Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wednesday, 27 February, 2013

This is HL 11 and HL 12. Do both on the same sheet of loose leaf paper. Follow the printed directions.

These are the instructions for SS3.

These are the instructions for Project 3. Follow them carefully and turn your project in on time.

Students will be able to:
-review the properties of matter.
-review changes in matter.
-take a mini assessment on the EM Spectra, waves and media, and forces.

Students received HL 11 and 12, which are to be done on the same sheet of paper and can be found at the top of this blog.

Students also received the instructions for short story 3 and for project 3. Please follow all the instructions carefully and adhere to the deadline dates.

Monday/Tuesday, 25/26 February, 2013

Students will be able to:-review the properties of matter.-review changes in matter.

Students did a quick write to explain the properties of an object, which the class tried to guess.

We then practiced some FCAT type questions about matter.

Students viewed a Bill Nye video on chemical reactions.

Students then read to explain to others the handouts on matter and chemical change.

Wednesday, 27 February, 2013

Use the links below to help you find the information to successfully complete your Planet Study Project.

Planetary Fact Sheet - Metric

Data and Atmospheric Information Of Our Solar System's Planets

All Solar Planets

The Planets and Dwarf Planets

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, 19 February through Friday, 22 February, 2013

Answers only, both on one sheet, HL 9 on the front and HL 10 on the back. These are due in class on Thursday or Friday, depending on when your class meets.
Students will be able to:
-review the electromagnetic spectrum.
-compare and contrast the motion of different types of waves.
-determine the affect of friction of force.
-determine how heat is conducted.

Students completed a pre-assessment on waves.

Students received HL 9 and 10, which can be found at the top of this blog.

Students (Periods 1, 3, 5) will also do the reading assignment as home learning.

Students watched a demonstration of how waves travel through different media.

Students watched a video presentation on waves.

They then completed an exit slip on waves.

Students completed the mini lab on forces. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday/Friday, 14/15 February, 2013

Students will be able to:-compare and contrast the different types of forces.-describe the effect of an unbalanced force acting on an object in terms of changes in speed, direction, and motion.

Students completed the power point on forces, including a bell ringer handout.

Students took notes on forces. The power point presentation is linked below as a movie. Take the time to review!

Students practiced determining net force.

There was no nightly home learning.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday, 13 February, 2013

Students will be able to:
-take an assessment on the nature of science.

Students took an assessment that reviewed the information from Monday/Tuesday on the nature of science.

There was no home learning assigned.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday/Tuesday, 11/12 February, 2013

Place BOTH of these on the SAME sheet of correctly labeled loose leaf paper: HL 7 on the front and HL 8 on the back. Answers only.
Students will be able to:-describe the scientific inquiry method.-differentiate between theories and laws.

Students reviewed The Nature Of Science benchmarks from 7th and 8th grade.The do now was a SpongeBob activity about bubbles, which should be placed in the interactive notebook.

Students then completed two 
power points on The Nature of Science. I'm not sure the links will work, but you can try to see if they do!


Students will be able to:-describe the scientific inquiry method.-differentiate between theories and laws.

Students reviewed The Nature Of Science benchmarks from 7th and 8th grade.The do now was a SpongeBob activity about bubbles, which should be placed in the interactive notebook.

Students then completed two power points on The Nature of Science. I'm not sure the links will work, but you can try to see if they do!

Hl 7 and 8 can be found at the top of this blog.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday/Friday, 7/8 February, 2013

Students will be able to:-compare and contrast the characteristics of objects in the solar system.-identify the inner planets and their similarities.-identify the outer planets and compare them to each other and the inner planets.

Students completed any notes on the Sun. That chapter in the interactive notebook should include: the Cornell notes with the quick write on the sun, the printed notes handout, the Discovery virtual activity done Jan 29 in the computer lab on the Sun, and home learnings 3 and 4 on the sun.

Students then did notes on the solar system. That chapter in the interactive notebook should include: the Cornell notes with the quick write on the solar system, the printed notes on the solar system, the GIZMO on the solar system, and home learnings 5 and 6 on the solar system.

Be sure that for both sets of notes, you have done your three Costa;s leveled questions and your summary. Be sure you have used highlighters to correlate the questions and the answers.

Home learning is to do all of chapter 4 in your textbook, marking each page where there is a space to write.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday, 6 February, 2013

Students will be able to:-classify the planets as rocky planets or gas giants.-observe the scale of the solar system.-describe the shape of planetary orbits.-compare the sizes of planets.-relate the presence of an atmosphere to the size of a planet.

Students turned in Hl 5 and are remind to do HL 6. You can find it on Monday/Tuesday's blog.

Students completed a GIZMO on the solar system. This will be placed in your notebooks once we complete the Solar System notes.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monday/Tuesday, 4/5 February, 2013

This is HL 5 which is due on Wednesday. Answers only. Do only 4-8.

This is HL 6, which is due on Thursday or Friday, depending on when your class meets. Answers only.

Students will be able to:-describe the physical properties of the sun.-determine how the sun produces energy.

Students completed a quick write on the Sun, which they shared with their teams.

Students viewed a BrainPop on the Sun an wrote a question to Tim and Moby on the presentation.

Students participated in an accountable talk exercise where they were given questions about the Sun and asked to explain to a partner.

Students completed notes on the Sun in their interactive notebook.

Students also participated in a data chat to find out their scores on the Winter Interim Exam.

Students also had differentiated instruction on weak benchmarks.

Home learnings 5 and 6 can be found at the top of this blog. HL 5 is due on Wednesday, and HL 6 is due on Thursday or Friday, depending on the class. Answers only.