Using information from classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
- identify a problem.
-suggest means by which a problem can be solved.
Welcome back Wildcats to a brand new school year. We are ready to begin another journey through The Science Zone! Get ready for the adventure of your life!
Remember, the supplies you need to bring to class daily are: science composition book, blue/black ink pens, mechanical pencils, scissors, glue sticks, 3 different colored highlighters, metric ruler, and colored pencils. In the near future, you will also need a pair of headphones and a pair of safety goggles. You will also be paying a $5 consumables fee.
You received your take home text. Leave it there for home learning and to complete reading assignments.
Your first home learning assignment is: How do you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Write the steps out consecutively. Be sure to write on loose leaf notebook paper and head your paper correctly.
You received a letter to take home to your parents and a parent contact form. Please be sure to bring the form back tomorrow. You can find both pages at the top of this blog.