Be sure to follow all directions carefully!
Students will be able to:
use information from videos from the internet and classroom discussions to
-differentiate between controls and constants.
-compare observational, comparative, and manipulated variable experimentation.
-recognize the difference between precision and accuracy.
Students took a quiz covering materials covered in class so far, which include the scientific process.
Students received instructions for writing short story one, which is due on Tuesday. The instructions and rubrics can be found at the top of this blog.
Students addressed the concepts of precision and accuracy via BrainPops. The variables home learning sheet and the observation, opinion, and inference sheet were reviewed to determine when accuracy and when precision were displayed or should be displayed.
Students also grouped experiments and instances from these sheets into categories based on the type of experiment, which include manipulative variable, observational, and comparative.
Students updated their interactive notebooks. By now, notebooks should include:
The Scientific Process notes, questions and summaries, cartoon, home learning 1.
Variables notes, questions, summaries, home learning 2, handouts on inference, observation, opinion.
Precision and accuracy, notes, questions, summaries, home learning 3.
Students completed their investigation sheets. These will be exchanged with another group and completed after the baseline assessment some time next week.
Remember, your short story is due on Tuesday!