This is HL 8. ALl three sheets are to be done, in order on ONE sheet of loose leaf, correctly headed paper, using blue/black ink or pencil. Follow all written directions, placing answers only on your paper.
Students will be able to:
use information from internet access, textbooks, virtual activities, and classroom discussions to
-identify the digestive organs and explain their functions.
-desribe the pathway through the digestive system.
-specify the parts that form the skeletal system.
-explain the functions of the skeletal system.
-summarize the functions of voluntary and involuntary muscles.
Students did a Crunch time probe on the digestive system for their do now on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, students will be taught by Mrs. Broas from the Region, so there will be no do now.
On Thursday, students will have a mini-assessment as their do now.
Students will be working on learning about several body systems. They will do Discovery Learning explorations on the digestive system, the skeletal, and the muscular system.
Students also saw a BrainPop on Body Systems.
The home learning for Tuesday can be found at the top of this blog.