This is HL 6. Read the passage. Correctly head your loose leaf paper and answer questions 1-10. Numerical answers only.
Students will be able to:
use information from textbooks, internet access, experimentation, and class discussion to
-identify biotic and abiotic factors of their enviroment.
-cite evidence of the interactions between the abiotic and biotic parts of the environment.
-analyze ow abiotic factors affect the life of organisms in an ecosystem.
Students define biotic and abiotic factors by categorizing things from photos. Biotic factors are those living or once living organisms in an ecosystem. Abiotic factors or non living parts of the environment that biotic factors depend on for life. They include water, soil, sunlight, air (atmosphere), temperature, and climate.
Students then defined the characteristics of living things.
Home learning 6 can be found at the top of this blog.