This is HL 11. Answers only, on properly headed loose leaf notebook paper, written in blue/black ink or pencil.
Students will be able to:
use information from textbooks, internet access, and classroom discussions to
-design a model or drawing of an atom that shows the location and charge of subatomic particles.
-compare atomic mass, atomic number, and mass number of atoms.
-compare and contrast subatomic particles and their properties.
Students submitted their scientist cards.
The do now was to draw and label the parts of an atom.
Students then watched BrainPops on atoms and the atomic model.
Students received HL #11, which can be found at the top of this blog. There will also be a notebook check.
Students took notes on the atom:
The Atom
-the smallest part of an element with all the characteristics of that element
-are too small to be seen
-are made of smaller particles
-has a nucleus, which contains positive protons and non-charged neutrons
-the nucleus makes up most of the mass of the atom
-the negative electrons circle the nucleus in energy levels or orbits
-atomic number = number of protons
-atomic mass=number of protons + number of neutrons
-ionic charge=number of protons + number of electrons