This is HL 13. Complete correctly. Answers only.

This is HL 12. Answer and complete.

These are the lab sheets. Complete them and return them to class.
Students will be able to:
use information from virtual laboratories and classroom discussions to
-construct models of atoms showing the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons for each element.
-for each element, arrange electrons in energy levels around the atomic nucleus.
-predict and determine whether or note elements will form chemical bonds in order to become more stable.
Do Nows
On Tuesday, students did a quick write about the atom.
On Wednesday, students will take a mini assessment.
Home Learning
Tuesday- HL #12, due on Wednesday/reviewed on Wednesday
Wednesday - HL #13, due on Thursday/reviewed on Thursday
Students turned in interactive notebooks for notebook check 2.
The remainder of the period on both days was spent on the Glencoe virtual lab site. The handouts, along with home learning, can be found at the top of this blog.