Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday/Friday, 29/30 August, 2013

ESSENTIAL QUESTION:  How do scientists develop scientific knowledge?

TOPIC: How Scientists Work

NGSSS: SC.8.N.1.1

-Define a problem from the 8th grade curriculum using appropriate reference materials to support scientific understanding, plan and carry out scientific investigations of various types: systematic observations, or experiments, identify variables.  

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-design and conduct a scientific investigation to demonstrate evidence of scientific thinking and/or 
problem solving.
-interpret and analyze data to make predictions and defend conclusions.
-explain the value of hypotheses, even if they turn out not to be supported by the data.

BELL RINGER- Scientific Method handout

Home learning 2 was collected and reviewed.

Students worked on the lab activity in their groups.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday/Wednesday, 27/28 August, 2013

ESSENTIAL QUESTION:  How do scientists develop scientific knowledge?

TOPIC: How Scientists Work

NGSSS: SC.8.N.1.1

-Define a problem from the 8th grade curriculum using appropriate reference materials to support scientific understanding, plan and carry out scientific investigations of various types: systematic observations, or experiments, identify variables.  

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-design and conduct a scientific investigation to demonstrate evidence of scientific thinking and/or 
problem solving.
-interpret and analyze data to make predictions and defend conclusions.
-explain the value of hypotheses, even if they turn out not to be supported by the data.

BELL RINGER- Scientific Method handout

Home learning 2, How scientists work was assigned.

Textbooks were distributed. Students are to complete pages 6-11. They will use these pages to answer the home learning.

Students viewed the powerpoint to introduce the lab activity with the alma seltzer and forming and testing hypotheses.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday, 26 August, 2013

These are the lab safety handouts. Complete.

Essential Question: How do scientists develop scientific knowledge?

Topic: How Scientists Work

NGSSS Benchmarks: SC.8.N.1.1

Students will be able to:
-evaluate a scientific investigation using evidence of scientific thinking and/or problem solving.

-analyze an experimental procedure to identify a design flaw and propose a method for correcting it.
-identify test (independent) and outcome (dependent) variables in an experiment.
-review safety in the science laboratory.

Students completed the independent practice sheet on variable as their bell ringer. You can find the handout on Wednesday's blog.

Safety contracts were collected.

Students completed the gallery walk on variables.

Students completed the exit slip on variables.

Students received the handout on lab safety, but we did not review and will do so next class period. The handout can be found at the top of this blog.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday, 22 August, 2013

This included the gallery walk handout and the independent practice sheet.

Essential Question: How do scientists develop scientific knowledge?

Topic: How Scientists Work

NGSSS Benchmarks: SC.8.N.1.1

Students will be able to:
-evaluate a scientific investigation sing evidence of scientific thinking and/or problem solving.

-analyze an experimental procedure to identify a design flaw and propose a method for correcting it.
-identify test (independent) and outcome (dependent) variables in an experiment.
-review safety in the science laboratory.

Student completed the laboratory safety pre-assessment quiz.

Students shared their responses from the home learning.

Students completed the notes on how a scientist thinks.

Students then participated in the Gallery Walk on variables. Those classes that did not complete the walk will do so next class period. Students completed the handout as they did the gallery walk. The handout can be found at the top of this blog.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday, 20 August, 2013

Welcome back to Campbell Drive Middle School's new school year! I hope each of you had a pleasant summer. Now, let's get back into the swing of things by jumping into The Science Zone!

Essential Question: How do scientists develop scientific knowledge?

Topic: How Scientists Work

NGSSS Benchmarks: SC.8.N.1.1

Students will be able to:
-evaluate a scientific investigation sing evidence of scientific thinking and/or problem solving.

-analyze an experimental procedure to identify a design flaw and propose a method for correcting it.
-identify test (independent) and outcome (dependent) variables in an experiment.

Our bell ringer was to complete a learning styles inventory.

Home learning 1 - Choose one of the following situations and write to explain how to complete the task. Use sequential words, such as first, then, next, last, etc.
-change a light bulb in a lamp
-tie the shoelace on a sneaker
-blow up and tie a balloon
-unlock a door and enter a house

Students reviewed the scientific process via a powerpoint that can be seen in the movie below.
Students used the printed notes sheet to complete as they interacted with the powerpoint presentation. This handout can be found at the top of this blog.