Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday, 19 January, 2018

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do we perform a field study?

LEARNING TARGET: Perform a field study for local lizards and birds..


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Conduct a series of point counts and "Lizards on the Loose" surveys at your school to see if areas with large trees and areas with only small shrubs differ in their ability to support avian and lizard populations. 
-Record your data and create illustrated field journals documenting your observations.

BELL RINGER: SC.8.N.1.1 The Nature of Science

VOCABULARY: carbon dioxide, cycle, energy, fossil fuels, oil, sediments, photosynthesis, respiration, greenhouse gas, bacteria, producers, consumers, decomposers, carbon cycle, oxygen, energy

HOME LEARNING: complete poster


Students completed a bell ringer on the nature of science.

We reviewed unit 4 assessment.

Students began the Fairchild Challenge Shade Our Schools. The challenge consists of surveying areas of the school and counting lizards and birds and writing a field journal.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wednesday, 17 January, 2018

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does matter cycle on Earth?

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze models that show the transfer of matter in the carbon cycle.


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Identify and describe where in the Earth the carbon cycle occurs.
-Explain the role of carbon and the effects on carbon reservoirs.
-Explain how the element carbon cycles through living and nonliving things.
Unit 4 Assessment make-up/correction

BELL RINGER: read directions for poster

VOCABULARY: carbon dioxide, cycle, energy, fossil fuels, oil, sediments, photosynthesis, respiration, greenhouse gas, bacteria, producers, consumers, decomposers, carbon cycle, oxygen, energy

HOME LEARNING: complete poster


Students received directions to make a carbon cycle poster and read those as their bell ringer.

Students corrected unit assessment 4 or made up the exam.

Students then worked on their posters in class, which traced the flow of carbon through the spheres of earth and included one human interaction.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday, 12 January, 2018

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does matter cycle on Earth?

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze models that show the transfer of matter in the carbon cycle.


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Identify and describe where in the Earth the carbon cycle occurs.
-Explain the role of carbon and the effects on carbon reservoirs.
-Explain how the element carbon cycles through living and nonliving things.
-Assessment 4

BELL RINGER: questions about the cell.
VOCABULARY: carbon dioxide, cycle, energy, fossil fuels, oil, sediments, photosynthesis, respiration, greenhouse gas, bacteria, producers, consumers, decomposers, carbon cycle, oxygen, energy

HOME LEARNING: study for assessment 4
Students answered questions about the cell as their bell ringer.
Home learning 6 was collected and reviewed.
Students took Unit Assessment 4.
Students continued to work on the Gizmo Carbon Cycle.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday, 9 January, 2018

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does matter cycle on Earth?

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze models that show the transfer of matter in the carbon cycle.


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Identify and describe where in the Earth the carbon cycle occurs.
-Explain the role of carbon and the effects on carbon reservoirs.
-Explain how the element carbon cycles through living and nonliving things.

BELL RINGER: questions cellular respiration
VOCABULARY: carbon dioxide, cycle, energy, fossil fuels, oil, sediments, photosynthesis, respiration, greenhouse gas, bacteria, producers, consumers, decomposers, carbon cycle, oxygen, energy

HOME LEARNING: HL 6: Carbon Cycle, study for assessment 4


Students answered teacher directed questions about cellular respiration for the bell ringer.

We then watched a Study Jam on the Carbon Cycle and did the quiz. You can find the activity at the link below.

Students received HL 6, which is due next class period.

Students worked on the Gizmo Carbon Cycle. You can find the activity and the handouts there. Look in your notebook for the website and your username and password.