Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday/Friday, 7/8 February, 2013

Students will be able to:-compare and contrast the characteristics of objects in the solar system.-identify the inner planets and their similarities.-identify the outer planets and compare them to each other and the inner planets.

Students completed any notes on the Sun. That chapter in the interactive notebook should include: the Cornell notes with the quick write on the sun, the printed notes handout, the Discovery virtual activity done Jan 29 in the computer lab on the Sun, and home learnings 3 and 4 on the sun.

Students then did notes on the solar system. That chapter in the interactive notebook should include: the Cornell notes with the quick write on the solar system, the printed notes on the solar system, the GIZMO on the solar system, and home learnings 5 and 6 on the solar system.

Be sure that for both sets of notes, you have done your three Costa;s leveled questions and your summary. Be sure you have used highlighters to correlate the questions and the answers.

Home learning is to do all of chapter 4 in your textbook, marking each page where there is a space to write.