Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday/Tuesday, 20/21 August, 2012

Students will be able to:
use the information from demonstrations and  classroom discussions to
-justify why it is important to be organized and observe rules in a science class.
-identify how science is useful in solving everyday problems.
-critique laboratory activities for safety.

Students completed the following bell ringer:
When scientists conduct experiments, they share their data and conclusions with other scientists so that...

Students completed a class card. 

Students received their bell ringer folder and their interactive notebook. Students should decorate the front of the notebook for home learning 1. The decoration must be about something involving science. It should also include their first and last name and Dr. Gayden on the front.

Students observed a demonstration where a paper cup was burned. They pointed out safe laboratory procedures. They also used the activity to determine how science is useful in solving everyday problems.