Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday, 17 October, 2012

Students will be able to:
-distinguish between protons, neutrons, and electrons.
-explain that atoms are the smallest unit of an element and are composed of subatomic particles.
-describe how the atomic theory was developed.

There was no bell ringer.

Students completed the Activity A for the GIZMO Element Builder. You can use your username and password to sign in at home. The lesson materials are listed under the lesson info tab. Click to find the handouts if you've misplaced your own. 

Students also visited the pHet Build An Atom site, from Zone.Dr. Gayden's Science Zone. Students should try constructing several atoms and then play the game by clicking the correct tab.

Home learning 17 is to read pages 342-349 and to answer the Interactive Art particles In An Atom on page 348 on your own paper. Be sure to head the paper correctly.

If you finish ALL of the work on atoms, feel free to begin research for the atomic model project. Visit the Chemical site to begin recording the information for your atom project.

Finally, visit the site, grade 8, and complete any assignments listed for your name.