Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday and Thursday, 11 and 12 January, 2012

Students will be able to:
use the information from hands on laboratory experiments and classroom discussions to
-visualize that the universe is expanding.
-calclulate how galaxy positions change as the universe expands.

Students performed a lab that modeled the expansion of the universe and the effect of this expansion on the galaxies in the universe.

Students received HL 16, which is from page 129 in their text. Students are to answer questions 10 and 11 on a sheet of correctly headed loose leaf paper. Be sure to place the name of the stars on your paper.

Students watched a BrainPop movie on the life cycle of stars.

Students also used the reading action plan to read a passage about the objects found in outer space.

Students completed the GIZMO on the H-R diagram.