Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday, 22 March, 2012

Students will be able to:
use the information from virtual activities, textbooks, hands-on activites, and classroom discussions to
-describe the effects of the moon and sun on tides.
-identify and explain spring and neap tides.

Students took notes from the 8th grade text, pages 197-199.

Students should be sure to:
write the date, benchmark, topic and page number in their table of contents, which should be
3/22 SC.912.E.5.6 Tides

On the Cornell Notes page, be sure to draw something to remind you about tides. You can get this either from the text, the GIZMO on tides, the home learning, or something you've experienced or seen. Also, write the three leveled questions and the summary. Possible questions:
1. What is a tide?
2. Compare the causes of high and low tides.
3. Predict which type of tide (neap or spring) will occur for the month of April on the dates April 7, April 1, April 13, and April 29.

Be sure to use three different colored highlighters to connect the questions and the answers found in your notes.

Your summary should include the definition of tides and how the sun and the moon influence Earth's waters.

Behind these notes, paste in home learnings 15 and 16. Also, paste in the COMPLETED GIZMO on Tides.

Notebook check is on Monday.