Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday/Friday, 9/10 May, 2013

This is HL 5. Answers only on your own paper.

This is HL 6. Answers only on your own paper.

These are the notes. Color accordingly.

Students will be able to:
-identify the basic components of the human reproductive system and their functions.

Students completed a crossword puzzle on the male and female reproductive system as their bell ringer.

Students watched a BrainPop on the reproductive system and then watched a BBC Bitesize REvision on reproduction.

Students participated in a reproduction chain, by taking phases of the male and female reproductive process, along with fertilization, conception, and pregnancy and forming lines demonstrating the correct sequence.

Students then read and colored the male and female reproductive tracts, before taking an exit quiz.

Home learnings 5 and 6 can be found at the top of this blog, along with the handouts for the notes.