This is HL 13. Answers only on your own correctly headed loose leaf paper.
Students will be able to:
use the information from the textbook and classroom discussions to
-idetermine the processes involved in the water cycle.
-explain how carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen are recycled.
-give examples of how living systems conserve matter and energy.
Students watched BrainPop movies on The Water Cycle, The Carbon Cycle, and The Nitrogen Cycle.
Students also (where necessary) completed the Science Interactives activity on the plant problem. The completed paper is to be placed in the science notebook.
Students reviewed HL 12 and received HL 13, which can be found at the top of this blog.
Students then read and took notes on Cycles of Matter. Be sure to make a Cornell notes page (include in the table of contents; Date 12/13 Benchmark: SC.8.L.18.3; Topic Cycles of Matter). Be sure to write your three Costa's leveled questions, draw or write something to remind you of the lesson (color preferable), and summarize the lesson on the bottom of the page. All notes should be done on the next page. This includes main ideas and supporting details of the information from pages 462-471.
Also be sure to place home learning handouts behind these notes.